DERP is an open-source project dedicated to creating a useful, fast, free online environment for playing pen-and-paper roleplaying games over the Internet. All tools downloadable from this site are free for personal use, and corresponding source code is available.
Think you might be able to contribute? Join #derp on or send an email to
If you don't have time to contribute to the project, but still want to help, consider a donation.
DERP Table Version: 0.2 The DERP Table is a fully 3D, OpenGL combat grid and tile-based map generation tool. Windows:derp_pretest2.tgz Linux:Not Yet Available Mac:Browse SVN SVN Source: (warning: source is ugly and unreadable right now)View Screenshots Screenshots:Combat Monitor Version: 1 The Combat Monitor is a javascript initiative tracker for keeping track of d20 system combats. It doesn't work in Internet Explorer, and could use a little modification. Please feel free to modify or copy this utility (and send us your changes if they're any good).
Combat Monitor Link:Forum Here is the DERP Open Discussion forum, hosted by, where you can discuss our projects and your group's gaming preferences. Users will need a login to post.
Open Discussion Forum Link: